Verify and Install the Components

  1. Click Next to display the Ready to Install the Program dialog box listing the status of the prerequisites, Desigo CC installation (platform + mandatory extensions), platform patch, non-mandatory extensions, mandatory extension patches, non-mandatory extension patches, help merging status, and the status of the post-installation steps that you selected for execution and status for those which are executed mandatorily.
  2. Click Install. The Installer installs the listed prerequisites and any EMs.
    • If a mandatory prerequisite fails to install, a message displays and the Desigo CC Installer aborts the installation process. However, if a non-mandatory prerequisite fails to install, the installation process continues and notifies you about the failure at the end of the installation process.
    • A message box may display asking you to restart the computer. Select Yes to restart the computer and continue the installation. After restarting, depending on the Windows UAC settings, if the Installer Wizard does not start automatically displaying the Ready to Install the Program dialog box, then you must restart it manually by double-clicking Gms.InstallerSetup.exe, or get approval from IT to change the UAC settings accordingly (See Changing User Account Control Settings.)
    • After the IIS installation on the selected setup type, the Installer also installs Microsoft Application Request Routing (ARR) that displays in the Ready To Install the Program dialog box.
      If you disable IIS configuration, ARR does not install.
    • A message may display if installation, uninstallation, or repair of another program is in progress notifying you that you must complete the ongoing installation, uninstallation, or repair prior to installing Desigo CC.
    • You can cancel the installation using Cancel. On confirmation, the cancellation process starts after maintaining a consistent state for the Installer. However, it does not rollback and informs you that the installation was interrupted and is incomplete.