Enable and Configure the Service Administrator Account

You can perform the following procedure only in the Server SMC.

When restoring a project backup on another machine than the actual server, one is not directly able to access the project because the Windows users configured in that project do not exist on that machine. Therefore, before logging onto the Installed Client you need to perform the following procedure. Once the procedure has been carried out, you can log in with the newly-defined Service Administrator.

  • You want to change the default values for the Service Admin. You have added a /support switch in the StartSmc.bat file located at [installation drive:]\[installation folder]\GMSMainProject\bin and saved it.
  • You have re-launched the SMC after saving this StartSmc.bat file and the Service Admin expander is available.
  • System is selected in the SMC tree.
  1. Open the Service Admin expander.
  • The Service Admin expander opens with Disable Service Admin selected by default.
  1. Select Enable Service Admin.
  • A field for setting Service Admin displays. By default, the currently logged-in Windows user is set as a Service Admin user.
  1. Click Browse to change the default Service Admin to local Windows user or domain user.
  1. Do one of the following
  • Select an existing user from the Current Station tab.
  • Click the Other Domains tab. On the list of available domains do the following:
    a. (Optional) From the list of available domains, select a domain to change the default. By default, the current domain is selected.
    b. Enter a user name or user account.
    c. Click Check Name to locate all matching or similar object names in the selected domain.
    d. Select the user name that displays in the list.
  1. Click OK.
  1. Click Save .
  • A message displays notifying you that the changed Service Admin is set only after you re-start the project.
  1. Click OK.
  • The Service Admin user is configured.
  1. Re-start the active project.
  • You can now log onto the Desigo CC Client using the credentials of the configured service admin user. Once you logon, observe that the service admin user that you configured in the SMC is available in Engineering mode of Security > User and has the linked user group as DefaultAdmin.

The service admin becomes enabled or disabled only when you re-start the projects.