Create a Default Management Platform User Account

Creating a default Desigo CC user account is a one-time procedure required the first time you start the closed mode. This procedure creates a default Desigo CC user account, which also creates a corresponding Windows user account in the Windows User Group. This account is required to run a Windows service that runs the Desigo CC closed mode.

  • In the Settings expander, the closed mode user displays in red, indicating that the closed mode user (GmsDefaultUser) does not exist and you must create it.
  1. Click Create to create a new closed mode user (GmsDefaultUser) that displays in red.
  1. Type a password and confirm it.
  1. Click Save .
  • The password is validated and the default Desigo CC user account is created and saved successfully.

If you have upgraded a project from previous version other than Version 3.0 and want to work with it in the closed mode, then after logging in with the GMSDefaultAdmin, you must update the password for the GmsDefaultUser with the newly created GmsDefaultUser password.