Verify the Brand Folder

Verify that you have the required brand and it is signed.

The Brand folder, a mandatory folder, contains brand-specific information for EULA, icons/shortcuts, Help, HTML5 images, entry page, and splash screen image.

The Installer copies this information from the distribution media to a pre-defined location on the target machine so that Installation Wizard, Uninstallation Wizard, Clients applications, the menu names in the Start menu, shortcut on desktop, names in the control panel and help can adapt according to the brand.

Do not to use the following characters in the <ShortName> and <CompanyName> attributes in the Brand Config.xml file. Otherwise, a message displays informing you that your Brand folder is corrupted and the installation is aborted.
- Umlaut ("ä","ö", "ü") - cause problems during online backup
- Dollar sign ($)
- At sign (@)
- Angle brackets (< >), brackets ([ ]), braces ({ }) and round brackets (( ))
- Colon (:) and semicolon (;)
- Equal sign (=)
- Circumflex sign (^)
- Vertical bar (|)
- Asterisk (*)
- Exclamation mark (!)
- Percent sign (%)
- Question mark (?)
- Comma (,)
- Quote sign (single and double) (' ")
- Tabulator blank