Apply Search Filters on Columns other than Date/Time

  • Log data displays in the Log Viewer or the Detailed Log tab.
  1. Right-click the data value for which you want to apply the filter.
  1. From the menu options, select Custom Filter.
  • The Custom Filter Dialog Box displays.
  1. Click the Search Filter tab.
  1. Click the Add Filter button.
  • An empty row with the Operator and Value fields displays.
  1. Select a value from the Operator drop-down list. In order to specify the value, you must either select a value from the Value drop-down list or type a value in the field.
    NOTE: To add a filter for User column, ensure that you type a user value including double backslash. For example write the value as "[DomainName]\\[UserName]".
  • The filter expression displays in the Filter expression field.
  1. Click OK.
  • The data matching your filter condition is retrieved from the server.

In order to apply Search Filter on Previous Value and Value column, enclose the value entered in the Value text field within double quotes, if it is in the 2E63 to 2E64-1 range. In the absence of Show rights, the Value drop-down list displays all the corresponding event categories when you apply a Search Filter on the Event Category column. After you apply a Search Filter on the Event Category column, the records of only those event categories display, whose Show rights have been granted.