Add the Distribution Partner Project in Automatic Mode

This is the next step after enabling the distribution. For working with projects in distribution, you must add and configure the distribution partner projects.

This procedure describes, for a stopped or a started project, how to add the distribution partner project in Automatic mode.

For adding the distribution partner project on the same server, you can use the Stand-alone, Secured or Unsecured projects. However, to add the distribution partner projects from a different server, it is recommended to add only those distribution partner projects which are Secured (with certificates).

  • At least one project (started or stopped) is available under the Projects folder, and you have enabled distribution for this project.
  • You also have provided a unique Dist port number and saved the project.
  • You have shared the project folder using the Project Shares expander for all distribution partner projects with the user logged onto the operating system of the Originator project on the server.
  • The extensions of the distribution partner project are installed on the server of the Originator project.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project].
  1. Depending on the selected project status, do one of the following:
  • Click Edit .
  • Click Change Distribution Info .
  1. Open the Distribution Participants expander.
  • A default read-only entry for the Local System (Originator project) displays.
  1. In the Distribution Participants expander, click Browse to browse and select the distribution partner projects using the Browse for Distribution Partner dialog box.
  1. In the Browse for Distribution Partner dialog box, perform the following steps:
  • (For selecting servers in domain) In the Domain Tree View, make sure that the correct domain is selected. By default, the domain of your computer is selected.
    In case of Workgroup, the workgroup of your computer is selected by default.
  • (Applicable only for servers in domain) In the Enter management system name or description field, enter the computer name of the server, if you already know it, or you can type a partial text string.
  • (Applicable only for servers in domain ) Click Check Name.
  • A list of matching servers available in the selected domain, whose name contains the entered string, displays in the Filtered Server Computers list.
    In case of a Workgroup, all the server computers available in the Workgroup are listed.
  • Select the server for setting up in distribution.
  • If the Service port of the Server name provided is other than the default (8888), a message displays. In this case, proceed as follows:
    a. Click OK to close the message box.
    b. In the Browse for Distribution Partner dialog box, enter the Service port number for the selected Server or increment or decrement using the Spinner controls.
    c. Click Get Projects to obtain the list of projects available on the selected server.
  • A list of projects (excluding the outdated projects) displays in the Available Projects list.
    d. Select the check box adjacent to the project that you want to add as a distribution participant. You can select multiple projects.
    e. Click Add.
  • The selected projects are added in the Selected Projects list.
    NOTE: You cannot add a project, whose project languages or extension configuration does not match the languages or configured extensions of Originator project.
  1. Click Add Distribution Partners.
  • The selected distribution participant projects are added in the Distribution Participants expander. It displays the Server name, Project Name, System Name, System ID, Shared Path, if configured for the selected distribution partner project on different Server, and the extensions configured.
  • A corresponding entry, for the newly added distribution partner project, is added in the Distribution Connections expander. The default distribution Connection type is (Bi-directional) and the Partner Dist Port and the Partner Proxy Port number as configured on the partner project.
  1. Click Save Project .
    NOTE: You cannot save the Originator project with multiple distribution partners entries that have the same System name and System ID.
  • A distribution partner projects entry is added to the Local System’s Originator project using Automatic mode.
  • If the selected project is a running project, a message displays asking you to restart the project.
  1. Click OK.
  1. Restart the project, by clicking Stop , and then clicking Start .