Extract Import Rules Data from a SiB-X File
In this step you will extract the import rules data for a product family from a SiB-X file into a library. You can do this either to create new import rules for a new library, or to update the EO Types for the existing object and properties configuration.
- In System Browser select the import rules block of the library. For example, Project > System Settings > Libraries > L4-Project > Global > BACnet > [import rules].
- Select the Import Rules tab.
- In the Extract from File expander, click Browse.
- In the Browse XML file dialog box, select the SiB-X file to extract and click OK.
- If a message asks whether you want to merge or replace the rules:
- Click OK to merge the new data into the existing rules.
- Click Cancel to replace the existing rules.
- The complete path of the selected file appears in the field.