Properties and Commands of SORIS thingAdapter Objects

The following properties and commands display in the Extended Operation tab.






Highest priority status that is currently active for an object.

Alarm Suppression

When this feature is enabled for specific system objects, any alarms coming from those objects are suppressed in the management platform.

You can enable suppression for one alarm class or all alarm classes.

  • Enable
  • Disable
  • Enable All
  • Disable All
  • Send


Possible values:

  • Connected: There is a connection to the adapter.
  • Disconnected: The connection to the adapter is interrupted.

Subsystem Status

Shows default values that can be changed by the adapter developer:

  • Unknown: The adapter is not connected.
  • Starting up: The device or system is starting communication with the adapter.
  • Ok: The adapter is communicating with the subsystem.
  • Failed: The subsystem is not communicating with the adapter.


Adapter address and port number. If the auto discover feature has not been programmed into the adapter, the Discover command can be used to manually add one or more thingAdapter objects to the adapter.

  • Discover

Auto Discover

Possible values:

  • True: If auto discover is enabled programmatically by the adapter developer, and a new thingAdapter object is added to the adapter, the thingAdapter object is automatically discovered and added to the list of thingAdapter objects that display in System Browser.
  • False: If auto discover is not enabled programmatically by the adapter developer, the thingAdapter object must be manually discovered before it is added to the list of thingAdapter objects that display in System Browser.

Discovery Status

Current status of discovery. Normally, the status displays Idle unless a discovery in in progress. In that case, the status can briefly display Waiting for Lock or Creating Objects.


Possible values:

  • Up to date: The number of thingAdapter objects in the adapter is consistent with the number in the management station.
  • Rediscover Required: The number of thingAdapter objects in the adapter is not consistent with the number in the management station.

Database Revision

Revision number corresponding to a change in the adapter such as adding or removing a thingAdapter object, changing a date, and so on.

Last Discovery Revision

Revision for the last manual discovery.

Adapter Revision

Current revision number for the selected adapter.

Has Web Configuration

Possible values:

  • True: The selected adapter is using web configuration.
  • False: The selected adapter is not using web configuration.