Configuring the BT BACnet Stack

  1. System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  2. A BACnet driver has been added and started.
  3. If using the BACnet/SC protocol, you have imported certificates into the Windows Certificate Store.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  2. Depending on where the BACnet Driver is located (Desigo CC server or FEP station), select one of the following:
    • Project > Management System > Servers > Main Server > Drivers
    • Project > Management System > FEPs > [FEP station] > Drivers
  3. Click the BACnet tab.
  4. Open the BT BACnet Stack Config expander.
  5. In the BT BACnet Stack Gateway Port Table section, click Add and then select one of the following:
    - BACnet/IPv4
    - BACnet/IPv6
    - BACnet/SC
    - Ethernet

    NOTE: You can create a maximum of 30 physical connections. If you need more, contact Technical Support.
  6. In the Port Properties expander, set the Network Number where your management station is connected (typically =1).
  7. Leave the Attached check box selected if you want the router port attached and accessible to other devices on the BACnet network.
  8. In the Adapter drop-down list, select the hardware adapter this driver will be using.
  9. Accept the default IP address and UDP Port settings.
  10. If you selected BACnet/SC in Step 5, configure the SC Hub Connector:
    Add a Primary URI using the format wss://<IP address or machine name>:<port number>.
    NOTE: Third-party vendors must configure the Primary and Failover URIs using third-party tools. Siemens devices use ABT for the URIs, as shown in the following image:

    • (Optional) Add a Failover URI in case the Primary URI cannot communicate.
      NOTE: The Primary and Failover URIs must be different.
    • (Optional) Select the Allow Self Signed Certificates checkbox if you created your own certificate.
    • Click Browse next to the CA Certificate field, and select a certificate from the list.
    • Click Browse next to the Operational Certificate field, and select a certificate from the list.
    • In the Password field, enter the password created for the private key.
  11. (Optional) To add a Virtual Port, click Add and then select Virtual.
  12. (Optional) Configure the Physical Port as BBMD or Foreign Device.
  13. Click Save .