Creating Related Items

Assigning Related Items

  • The conversion tool Desigo Function Checker is opened.
  1. Select the one of the following options:
  • Select an object in the Function Checker browser or
  • Use Ctrl or Shift to select all objects for editing.
  1. In System Browser, select the desired view.
  1. Select the corresponding object.
  1. Drag the reference plant to the Related items expander.
  1. Click Save .


Prioritizing Graphic Pages

Scenario: Related items on the graphic pages need a different priority.

  • The conversion tool Desigo Function Checker is opened.
  1. Select the one of the following options:
  • Select an object in the Function Checker browser or
  • Use Ctrl or Shift to select all objects for editing.
  1. Open the Related items expander.
  1. In the Related Items expander, highlight the graphics page to open first.
  1. Drag-and-drop the graphics page to the top of the list.

    NOTE: For additional information, see sections Configure Object and Pane Configurator.
  1. Click Save .