Adjusting the SNMP Devices Credentials

You can modify the SNMP devices credentials.

  1. System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  2. Select Project > Field Networks > [SNMP network].
  3. In the System Management tab, open the General Settings expander.
  4. Modify one or more of the following settings:
    • Name (SNMP network name).
    • Port (UDP Port number that the service uses to communicate. Range: 1—65535. Default is 161.)
    • Read community (Community string that allows reading information from a device. Default is public.)
    • Write community (Community string that allows modifying settings on a device. Default is private.)
    • Timeout (Interval of time in milliseconds of an SNMP request for a device response. Range: 500—10000 milliseconds. Default is 500 milliseconds.)
    • Retries (Number of times an SNMP request for a device response must be retried. Range: 1—1000. Default is 1.)
    • Polling (Frequency in milliseconds at which a device is polled by the SNMP driver. Range is equal to or more than 500 milliseconds. Default is 30000 milliseconds.)
    • Version (SNMP version for the device connection. Default is 2.0.)
  5. Click Save .