
Using the Projects node in the SMC tree, you can create and restore project/project template on Server, Client and FEP installations and configure the projects to set up the Desigo CC system as a Stand-alone system or as Client/Server setup.

Furthermore, you can install web server (IIS) on the stand-alone system or on the remote system hosted on Client/FEP installation for working with Windows App Client. (see Setting up the Windows App Client)

You can also extend the project configurations to set up the distributed systems. (see Setting up the Distributed System)

This section provides reference and background information for configuring of Desigo CC project.

To restore a project or create a project from a template, see the step-by-step section.

To create a new project with extensions on a Server, see the step-by-step section.

To set up the Installed Client on a local Server or on the remote Client/FEP installation, see the step-by-step section.