Event-Handling Commands




Acknowledge the event

Available when event status = Unprocessed and suggested action = Acknowledge event.

Reset the event

In fast/investigative treatment: available when event status = Ready to be closed and suggested action = Close event.

In assisted treatment: available when event status = Ready to be reset and suggested action = Reset event.

Close the event

Only for assisted treatment. Available when event status = Ready to be closed and suggested action = Close event.

Silence the field panel

Available only where these commands have been configured for the field panel and event status is one of the following: Unprocessed, Waiting for condition, or Ready to be closed.

Unsilence the field panel

Visibility of Events and Commands

  • You cannot handle events generated by field points for which you do not have proper user privileges. Even though such events are visible to you, the related commands will not be available in Event List.
  • While handling events, your ability to acknowledge, reset and/or silence/unsilence an individual field point/panel (sending an individual command) or all the panels belonging to the same network (sending block commands) depends on configuration.
  • To execute the event-handling commands, (acknowledge, reset, or silence/unsilence), you must have proper user privileges, or the client station you work on must be the owner of the field panel.
  • If you try to send block commands while an event filter is active, a message displays asking you to remove the filter. Deactivate the filter and send the (block) command.

Security Rights on Event Category Commands

The specific commands available to you for handling events belonging to different categories depend on the rights at users group or workstation level. This means that, for events belonging to the different event categories, Event List, Investigative Treatment, and Assisted Treatment windows display only the commands that you are allowed to send. For a specific event category, if you do not have rights to send one or multiple commands, these commands do not display on Event List, Investigative Treatment, and Assisted Treatment windows of your Desigo CC management station.