Cannot Start Bacnet Driver on Fresh Installation

During fresh installation, you are unable to configure or add a BACnet Driver, as the Pmon user account is set to an account without administrator privileges.


  1. Exit all the running clients.
  2. Launch System Management Console and stop the project.
  3. Select System node.
    • In Settings expander, select Specific Account radio button.
    • Click Browse.
  4. Displays the Select User dialogue box.
    • Select any account having administrator privileges from either Current Station or Other Domains.
    • Click OK. Enter the password for the account and click Save.

  5. Select Project node and navigate to active project.
    • Select Edit.
    • select Save.
    • (Optional) You might need to enter password for the admin account that was selected in System node.
  6. Start the project.
  7. Launch Desigo CC client.
  8. Add the BACnet driver.
  9. Once the BACnet driver is added successfully, repeat the steps 1 - 5 again.
    • Select the Pmon user account which was initially configured (account without administrator privileges)