Insert Form Controls

You can add the following form controls to your report from the Home tab.

Editable Field

  • Do one of the following:
  • From the Insert group box, click the Form Controls group box, select the Editable Field control, and drag it onto the report definition or in the header/footer section.
  • Right-click the report definition or the header/footer section, where you want to insert the editable field, and then select the Insert Editable Field option.
  • The editable field is added.

To insert the editable field in the header/footer section of a report definition, delete any existing label.

Custom Text Selection Control

  1. Do one of the following:
  • From the Insert group box on the Home tab, click the Form Controls group box, select the Custom Text Selection control and drag it onto the report definition or in the header/footer section.
  • Right-click the report definition or the header/footer section, where you want to insert the Custom Text Selection control, and then select Insert Custom Text Selection.
  • The Custom Text Selection control is added.
  1. To add, modify, or delete the control entries, perform the following steps:
  • To add new entries, enter text in the control and click Add .
  • To modify existing entries, modify the text and click Update .
  • To delete the entries, select the entry to be deleted and click Delete .

Text Group Selection Control

  1. Do one of the following:
  • From the Insert group box on the Home tab, click the Form Controls group box, select the Text Group Selection control, and drag it onto the report definition or in the header/footer section.
  • Right-click the report definition or the header/footer section, where you want to insert the Text Group Selection control, and then select Insert Text Group Selection.
  • The Text Group Selection control is added.
  1. To add a text group to the control, navigate to the Libraries node in System Browser and drag a text group node onto the Text Group Selection control.
  • The text group is added to the Text Group Selection control. The name of the text group displays on the control.
    If you want to view the complete hierarchy of the text group, move your cursor over it. The hierarchy displays in a tool tip.

Comments table

  • Do one of the following:
  • From the Insert group box on the Home tab, click the Form Controls group box, select the Comments table, and drag it onto the report definition.
  • Right-click the report definition and select Insert Comments Table.
  • The Comments table with a single row is added to the report definition.