User Credentials Expander

The User Credentials expander allows you to configure the DefaultAdmin and the Root user password fields (administrative purposes).



Default Admin as Desigo CC user

(Default selection) Enter the name for the Desigo CC user to change the default value DefaultAdmin.
NOTE: The Default Admin user is part of the Default Admins user group in the Security application.

Default Admin as Windows user

Select the radio button Windows user to set the Default Admin as the Windows user. Browse for the Default Admin Windows user from Current station or from Other Domain. It could be the windows local user or a domain user.
NOTE: You do not need to enter the password for the Default Admin as Windows user since this is already set in Windows.


Enter the DefaultAdmin’s password for the Desigo CC user. Ensure that the password meets the complexity requirements, if you have selected the Password must meet complexity requirements check box in the Security expander. (See Security expander in SMC System Settings.)
NOTE: Once you install Desigo CC, the DefaultAdmin account is used to log on to the software for the first time.
For logging on with the domain user, use the format: Domain name\User name.
For example, DOM1\ABCXY022PC.
For logging on with local user, use the format:
Machine name\user name.
For example, Machine1\Local User1.
In both the cases you also need to provide the password.

Confirm password

Re-enter the DefaultAdmin password for the Desigo CC user to confirm it.

Root user password

Enter the Root user password. Ensure that the password meets the complexity requirements, if you have selected the Password must meet complexity requirements check box in the Security expander. (See Security expander in SMC System Settings.)
NOTE: The Root user account is used for product development and troubleshooting purposes.

Confirm password

Re-enter the Root user password to confirm it.