Create a Host Certificate (.pem)

  1. You have the root certificate (.pem file), and root key file (.pem file) available on the disk, and the root key file password is known to you.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Certificate.
  2. Click Create Certificate and select Create Host Certificate (.pem) .
  3. In the Host Certificate Information expander that displays, enter the host certificate details in the following fields:
    • Certificate file name: The certificate file name and the key file name cannot be same and must not contain blanks or special characters (/,\,?,<, >,*,|,").
    • Key file name
    • Key file password and confirm it.
    • Path: Browse for the location to store the root certificate and the root key file on the disk. By default, the path of the last created root certificate is selected.
    • Expiration: Set the expiration (validity period) duration in days. By default, the certificate expires after 2190 days.
    • Root Certificate: Click Browse to select the root certificate from the disk. By default, the path of the last created root certificate (.pem) is selected.
    • Root key file: Click Browse to select the root key file from the disk. By default, the path of the last created root key file (.pem) is selected.
      Root key file password: Enter the root key file password. The root key file password must match the root key file password of the selected root certificate.
    • Enter the following information about the subject:
      — Subject name : By default, the Subject name field displays the full computer name of the machine (including the domain name, if the machine is in a domain), for example, You can modify this to set the desired name. Remember that the host certificate's Subject name should not be same as the root certificate's Subject name. By default, the subject's identifier information (except for the Subject name) is filled with the last root certificate's subject's information.
      — Department
      — Organization
      — City / district
      — State / province
      — Country code (only two characters)
  4. Click Save .
  5. A message displays if the Subject name of the host certificate is the same as that of its root certificate.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Save to create the file (.pem) based host certificate.
  1. The data is validated, and the new host certificate (.pem file) and its key file (.pem file) are created at the specified location.
    You can use this host certificate (.pem file) for securing Client/Server communication, when you modify the project properties.