Installation Planning Checklist

Installation planning involves the planning of the customer network and IT environment. Use the following checklist to prepare the Desigo CC installation.

  • For information related to hardware/software requirements, hardware category definitions, IT environment compatibility and so on, refer to the System Description (A6V10415500). For information related to hardening guidelines, refer to the Cybersecurity Guidelines (A6V11646120)
  • System Dimensioning Guidelines: The size of the field system and the number of clients that can be supported by this configuration depend on the server hardware configuration.
    The System Dimensioning Guide Calculator is available under one of the following links:
    Click Download on the start page and then select Tools and software.
  • Download the Desigo CC software. For more information on how to configure the GMS Platform.txt file for silent/semi-automatic installation, see the Librarian and Distribution document (A6V11643840).
  • Make sure that no other installation is in progress when you install/upgrade Desigo CC. Otherwise, the Installer waits until the already running installation is completed.
  • Use the following table to record information you find useful or might need in the future. Some examples are port numbers, computer names, and account names and passwords. Contact Technical Support for the password.

Product Features and Related



Default features


Signed Brand


Added features (extensions)


Language packs

In addition to the default en-US?

Deployment type

– Standalone Server with or without Web Server (IIS)
– Client/Server
– Server with Remote web Server hosted on Client/FEP

Setup type

– Server with or without Web Server (IIS)
– Client, FEP with or without Web Server (IIS)

Installation mode

– Custom
– Semi-automatic
– Silent

Post-installation for platform and/or extension

Applicable only for Setup type - Server and includes the following post-installation steps:
– License activation (platform)
– Project restore and upgrade (mandatory extension SMC)
– HDB creation (mandatory extension SMC)
– LTS creation (mandatory extension SMC)
– Linking HDB to project (mandatory extension SMC)
– website creation (mandatory extension SMC)
– Web application creation (mandatory extension SMC)
– AddSWInstallation
– TemplateSynchronization
– EM Web application creation, if configured for an EM (extensions, wherever applicable)
– Project activation and startup (mandatory extension SMC)
– Client application startup (mandatory extension SMC)

Project and HDB backup

Valid project and HDB backup should be located at known path (required for upgrade and SMC post-installation step)

  • Collect the User and User domain details:

User Domain and User Accounts



DefaultAdmin (Default User Name)

Call Technical Support for the password

Root user password


GMSDefaultUser (Closed Mode User)


Process Monitor (Pmon) User Project and HDB Owner

Must have Logon as Service right.
Additionally, it may also have Administrative rights.

SQL admin account (If SQL is already installed)

Note the account that was used for the SQL Server installation.
It is required when doing future changes to the SQL database.

Administrative rights on Server, Client/FEP computer

Windows logged on user on Server, Client/FEP must have administrative rights to be able to work with Installer Wizard, SMC, the Desigo CC Client application.

User domain

– Local
– Workgroup
– Hierarchical domains

Global user

Required only for distributed deployment scenarios

Website/web application user

Required only when configuring websites/web applications for working with Windows App Clients

  • Collect the IT security details, including who provides the certificates and so on.

Server/Client/FEP/Web Server Certificate




Storage location? Password?





Private key

Algorithm/key strength: RSA, 2048 bit

Windows key file


Host name (Subject name)


  • Collect the IT environment details including who is responsible for the network, IT administration and maintenance.

IT Environment Details



Server computer name, VM name

Storage location? Password?

Client/FEP computer name


Windows OS type

Ensure that you have installed the required features for the installed version of the Windows operating system.

.Net 4.7.2 and .Net 6.0.16


IIS configuration based on OS Type



Local or remote

Dual stack (IPv4, IPv6)




Virus scanners


Intranet, Extranet, Internet

Supported Web browsers - Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer 11 onwards, Firefox, Chrome, Safari (for Flex Client only)

Windows updates

Update possibility - Internet access or offline updates using offline tools

License requirement

File-based or dongle

Installation folder


MS Office Version


PDF Viewer

Adobe Reader, PDF-XChange

AutoCAD files


Shared Server project path
