(Optional) Configure Easy Buttons

It is recommended to configure an easy button by associating a notification or an incident template with an easy button and also by changing an easy button icon to the required icon. The configured easy button can be then quickly used by the operator to initiate incidents while working in the Operating mode.

  • One or more incident templates or notification templates (message templates) are configured.
  1. Navigate to the Easy Buttons editor by selecting either of the following:
    Applications > Graphics > Easy Buttons
    Applications > Notification
  1. In the Easy Buttons tab, associate a notification or an incident template with an easy button by doing one the following:
    – Select Notification > Incident Templates. Drag the incident template into the Easy Buttons tab.
    – Select Notification > Notification Templates. Drag the notification template into the Easy Buttons tab.
  1. Click Save .
  • The respective notification or incident template is saved as an easy button.
  1. (Optional) To change the easy button icons, do the following:
    a. Right-click the easy button icon that you want to change and select Symbol Instance > Replace: The available icons display.
    b. Click the new icon from the list of displayed icons.
    c. Click Save .
  • The easy button icon is replaced with the changed icon.

Once you have configured the easy buttons, you can switch to Operating mode to initiate the incident or send notification.