Modify a Library Script

You can modify a script contained in a library (for example, Project > System Settings > Libraries > L4-Project > […] > [scripting library]) and update the library so that it contains the modified version of the script.

  1. If the library script is signed, unsign it before modifying it. For instructions, see Sign or Unsign Library Scripts.
  2. Import the script into Application View so that you can edit it. For instructions, see Importing a Library Script into the Project.
  3. Make the required changes to the script. For instructions, see Edit the Code of a Script.
  4. Export the modified script from Application View to a .js file at a known location on disk. For instructions, see Exporting Scripts from the Project to a File.
  5. Import the .js file exported in step 4 into the library. For instructions, see Import Scripts into a Library.
  6. If necessary, re-sign the script. For instructions, see Sign or Unsign Library Scripts.
  7. If you kept the same file name during the import and export operations, you will be prompted to overwrite the previous version of the script: click Yes.