Create an Identity Provider

You want to configure an Identity Provider to associate with an OpenID user(s).

  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  • System Browser is in Management View.
  1. Select Project > System Settings > Users.
  1. Select the Identity Providers tab.
  1. From the toolbar, click Add New .
  • The Name dialog box displays.
  1. Enter the name for the Identity Provider configuration, and then click OK.
    NOTE: The OK button is grayed out when the name contains an invalid character or the name already exists in the Identity Provider Configuration list. Additionally, if the name already exists, the entered text displays in red. The following are valid characters for the configuration name: alphanumeric, “_” and “-”.
  • The blank Identity Provider Configuration and Endpoints sections display.
  1. In the Identity Provider Configuration section Type or copy the information from the Identity Provider email from the previous step in this workflow and paste it into the following fields accordingly:
  • Domain – Type or paste the value in the following format:
  • ID Server Domain – Type or paste the value in the following format:
    This value is used during the logout workflow.
    NOTE: In some cases, the Domain and ID Server domain links may be the same. Some Identity Providers have a different ID Server Domain. In this case, provide the specific ID Server Domain here.
  • Client id
  • Client secret
  1. (Optional) In the Connection name field, paste the Connection Name obtained from the Identity Provider.
    NOTE: Whenever users log into Desigo CC using OpenID user account, this connection is used as a default connection and users will be navigated directly to the Authentication page of the connection. For example, google-oauth2, LinkedIn, and so on. If no value is provided, users need to perform one additional step and select the appropriate connection to authenticate from Auth0 default logon page.
  1. The Default endpoints checkbox is checked by default and the endpoint values are automatically populated. To manually enter the endpoint values, uncheck the checkbox and enter the values for each endpoint.
  1. Click Save .

The URL links refer to API addresses. When clicked, a browser window with an error message will display. It is, however, possible to check the connection to the server.