Set the Favorite Graphic and Designate the Profile

In order to automatically start the Rotating Graphics display when the designated user logs in, you must set the System Browser Graphic node as the Favorite.

  1. The designated user must have administrative privileges at this point or access rights to System Browser. In the course of this procedure, the designated user will change their user association to the Rotating Graphic display profile.
  1. Log in to Desigo CC with the designated user account for the rotating graphic display.
  2. In System Browser, select the Application View > Applications > Graphics node.
  3. With the Graphics node still selected, from the System Manager Navigation bar, select Favorite Location and hold for two seconds.
  4. The Graphics node is now set as the application that displays in the Primary pane when the associated user logs in to the rotating graphics display station.
  5. In System Browser, select Management View.
  6. Select Project > System Settings > Users.
  7. In the Users tab, select the designated user, and in the User Settings section, select the Rotating Graphics profile you created.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Log out of Desigo CC.
  1. The Rotating Graphics profile you created is now configured. When the designated user logs on and selects the associated node in System Browser, the graphic rotation is initiated.
    NOTE: The designated user no longer requires Administrative access.