Check GmsDefaultUser Permission on the Project Folder

The GmsDefaultUser Windows user must have access to the shared project folder on the server disk.

Restriction in Distributed Systems
The GmsDefaultUser can only see the system where the user exists. It is not possible to configure the GmsDefaultUser to see other nodes of the Distributed System.


  1. On the Desigo CC server station, start SMC.
  1. In the SMC tree, expand the Projects node and select the project you want to share.
  1. If the project is running, click to Stop it.
  1. Click Edit .
  1. In the Server Project Information expander, make sure to select the Distribution participant check box.
  1. In the Project Shares expander, select the Share Project check box.
    (In SMC Project Modification Settings, see Project Shares Expander.)
  1. Click Add.
  1. In the Select User or Group dialog box, enter GmsDefaultUser or locate and select it the list of local users.
  1. Click OK.
  • The GmsDefaultUser is added in the Project Shares expander.
  1. Click Save .
  1. Click Start .