Add the Symbol to a Function

  1. In System Browser, select the data point associated with the Symbol.
  2. In the Primary pane, click the Object Configurator tab.
  3. In the Main section, do one of the following:
    • Double-click the Function text.
    • Double-click the Object Model text.
  4. Click the Models & Functions tab.
  5. In System Browser > System Settings > Libraries navigate to the library you saved the Symbol in.
  6. Right-click the Symbols folder, and from the context menu select Send to Secondary Pane.
  7. The Symbols Library Browser folder displays in the Secondary pane.
  8. Drag the Symbol into the Symbols section of the Function or Object Model editor.
  9. Right-click the Symbol and from the context menu do the following:
    • Select Set as Default
    • Select Style and select the preferred style, for example: 2D
  10. From the toolbar, click Save .
  11. (Optional) To test that the object to Symbol association is working, from System Browser drag the Symbol onto a graphic or canvas and from the Ribbon’s Option tab > Symbol Options group, select the corresponding Symbol style.
  12. The bar chart Symbol you created and associated with the data point’s object model or Function, displays as it’s default graphic for that style.