Documents Workspace

Document objects are located under Applications > Documents in Application View of System Browser, and organized into subfolders.

A folder is always available and contains a set of reports in HTML format for specific use. For more details, see HTML Reports.

When you select a documents folder, you can create/delete folders, or create new document objects.

When you select a document object and set it to edit mode , you can modify, save, duplicate, print, or delete that document object.

Document Settings




This option sets a web link as the content of the document.

Provide certificate manually

This check box must be selected if a web link is set as content of the document and a connection is to be established with a website that requires a certificate.

Select file

This option sets a file as the content of the document. The drop-down list lets you choose from the files previously stored on the Desigo CC server station, in one of the project documents folders.

Associated Objects



Manually assigned

The current document will appear as a related item of all the objects listed in this field. You can drag objects here from System Browser.

Automatically assigned

The current document will also appear as a related item of all the objects listed in this field. These links are created by the coverage area feature of Graphics Editor and you cannot remove them.

Documents Toolbar Controls


Selection in System Browser

Documents Folder

Document Object


Create a new subfolder under the currently selected one.


Operate Mode


Set the edit mode , which lets you configure the content of the document (web link or file), and the associated system objects. When you finish the configuration, you can switch back to normal viewing of the document.



Save the changes made to the current document object.

Save As

Create a new empty document object from scratch.

Save the currently selected document with a different name. You can use this to create a new document object from an existing one.


Delete the currently selected documents folder, and any document objects contained inside it. (You cannot delete the main Documents folder.)

Delete the currently selected document object.



Print the current document using one of the available printers (RTF documents are sent to the Windows default printer).
NOTE: When you print a document, the status bar will indicate Sent to printer. Check the print queue to know the status of the print job.