Incident Template Workspace

Incident templates are listed under Applications > Notification > Incident Templates.

When you click the Incident Templates node or one of the Incident Templates folders below it, the Incident Templates tab displays. It allows you to:

  • Create incident template or an Incident Template folder using Create .
  • Import incident templates from a file under the selected node using Import .
  • Export all the incident templates configured under the selected Incident Templates node using Export .

After the incident template is created, the Incident Template Editor tab displays which allows you to configure incident template, add or remove Launch Groups and notifications to the incident template and configure automatic incident triggering using the following expanders along with the toolbar controls.

The Save As , Delete , Import, Export functions are disabled for Windows App clients.

Incident Template Editor Toolbar





Saves the incident template.

Save As

Saves the incident template under a new name.


Deletes the selected incident template or the Incident Template folder.


Imports an incident template.


Exports an incident template.

Use the following expanders to configure incident templates: