Troubleshooting Easy Buttons Configurations

This section provides troubleshooting information on how to restore the Easy Buttons tab.

The Easy Buttons tab is not displayed in the Operating mode of Applications View > Applications > Notification if you delete the Windows folder icon on the Easy Buttons editor screen. Perform the following steps to restore the Easy Buttons tab:

  1. System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  2. Select Applications > Graphics > Easy Buttons.
  3. If in Operating mode, click Edit .
  4. The Easy Buttons editor displays.
  5. Select Applications > Notification.
  6. Drag the Notification node on the Easy Buttons editor screen.
  7. The Windows folder icon displays.
  8. Right-click the Windows folder icon and deselect the Visible check box. If the Visible option is deselected, the Windows folder icon is not displayed in the Easy Buttons tab.
  9. Click Save .
  10. Restart the Desigo CC application.