Display and Edit Missing Functions

Scenario: You want to assign missing functions to one or more objects.






1 – Starting Function Checker

  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  2. Select Project > System settings > Conversion tools > Desigo Function Checker.


2 – Display Missing Functions

  1. Select the Function Checker tab.
  2. In System Browser, select logical view.
    NOTE: You can edit in any view.
  3. Select Logical > [Hierarchy] >[Plant].
    NOTE: You can select on any hierarchy level.
  4. Drag the selected plant to the empty area of the Function Tool tab.
  5. The plant is displayed in the structure:
  6. Objects with no assigned function have a red state. The folder is automatically opened if the objects below it do not have a function.


3 – Manually Assign Missing Functions

  1. Select the one of the following options:
    • Select an object in the Function Checker browser or
    • Use Ctrl or Shift to select all objects for editing.
  2. Select the General expander.
  3. In the Function drop-down list, select the corresponding Function.
  4. The check box All:
    Is cleared: Displays only functions where the object model and function mapping match.
    Enabled: All functions defined in the system.
  5. Assigned objects have state green with a asterisk.
  6. Click Save .
  1. Edited objects change the state from green to black.


4 – Display Assigned Functions in the Browser

  • Click Display assigned function in the tree.
  1. The functions assigned to an object are displayed behind the =>.