Create BACnet Backup Scheduled by Time

Scenario: You want to configure Desigo automation stations to regularly save the BACnet data at the same time. The workflow guides you through the required steps.


Reference: General information on Desigo automation stations is available at Desigo Automation.








1 – Activate Automation Stations for Backup & Restore

  1. Select Project > Field Networks > [Network name] > Hardware > [Automation station] of the corresponding automation station.
  2. Select the BACnet tab.
  3. Open the Backup/Restore Information expander and clear the Enable backups check box.
  4. If cleared: BACnet Backup is backed up as scheduled.
    If selected: BACnet Backup is backed up as per the backup rate (not used for this procedure).
  5. Enter the data for the BACnet backup properties:
    • Reinitialize password: Password for the automation station.
    • Confirm password: Confirm the password for the automation station.
  6. Repeat Steps 2 through 5 for all automation stations.


2 – Check the Desigo Device Object Model

  1. The BACnet Backup settings for each automation station are done.
  1. Select Project > Field Networks > [Network name] > Hardware > [Automation station] of the corresponding automation station.
    NOTE: Apply this workflow to all automation station types.
  2. Click the Object Configurator tab.
  3. Open the Main expander and double-click the text Object model.
  4. In System Browser, the Object Model is selected.
  5. Click the Models & Functions tab.
  6. Open the Properties expander and select the System_Status property.
  7. In the Command Configuration expander, check the BACnetBackupDevice entry. Enter the Backup name in the Alias column. If not entered, select the alias name from the drop-down list.
Object Model of a Desigo Automation Station
Object Model of a Desigo Automation Station


3 – Creating a Macro

  1. The Object Model is checked for the correct alias name.
  1. In System Browser, select Application View.
  2. Select Applications > Logics > Macros and select the Macro tab.
  3. Click Create and select New Macro.
  4. In the New Object dialog box, enter a name and description.
  5. Click OK.
  6. The new macro appears in the Macro tab.
  7. In System Browser, select Management View.
  8. Select Project > Field Networks > [Network name] > Hardware > [Automation station] of the corresponding automation station.
  9. Drag the automation station to the Macro configuration area.
  10. Repeat Step 8 for each automation station.
  11. Define the initial delay in the column Initial Delay (in seconds) for each automation station.
    • 1. automation station = 0 seconds
    • 2. automation station = 300 seconds
    • 3. automation station = 600 seconds, and so on.
      NOTE: This cascade procedure avoids an overload of network traffic.
  12. Click Save .
  1. The macro is defined and all automation station are assigned.
Macro for BACnet Backup and Restore
Macro for BACnet Backup and Restore


4 – Automatically Execute

You can create an automated backup of BACnet automation station data using the functions Macro and Reaction Editor.

  1. Select Applications > Logics > Reactions.
  2. The Reaction Editor opens.
  3. In the Triggers tab, select Time & Organization Mode expander and click Add.
  4. Click anywhere on the row.
  5. The dialog box to set the execution time displays.
  6. Set the dates, days and time to execute the macro.
  7. In System Browser, select Applications > Logics > Macros > [MyMacro BACnet Backup] and drag the object to the Output expander.
  8. Click Save As .
  9. Enter a name and description.
  10. Click OK.
Reaction Defined for Executing Macro
Reaction Defined for Executing Macro