3rd Party BACnet Troubleshooting

This section contains 3rd Party BACnet troubleshooting information.

Troubleshooting Network and Driver



Proceed as follows...

Invalid network or instance number for the management platform.

Invalid or incorrect configuration data for the driver in the Settings expander under the BACnet tab.

Enter the network and instance number. See Creating BACnet Driver.

The BACnet driver is only fully configured when a physical network connection is added. If you save it without a network connection, you can run XML data imports (*.s1x)but the driver does not communicate within the BACnet network.

Invalid or incorrect configuration data for the driver in the BT BACnet Stack Configuration expanderunder the BACnet tab.

Create the required ports and select a network adapter. See Creating BACnet Driver.

The BACstack configuration includes invalid data and cannot be saved. The network number for the workstation and the number for the virtual BACstack port must match.

Inconsistent configuration of the driver in the Settings and BT BACnet Stack Configuration expanders under the BACnet tab.

Make sure that the network number of the management platform and the network number of the virtual port are the same. The numbers must also match the virtual BACnet network of the BACnet network.

The driver cannot be deleted while monitoring the following network: network_xyz.

You attempt to delete a driver that is currently connected to a network.

First delete the corresponding network and then re-attempt to delete the driver.
NOTE: Deleting a network deletes the entire data structure.

Troubleshooting Data Import

Prior to Data Import

Data in the EDE file is analyzed prior to the data import. Any errors founds are saved in a log file. Open the Log File to view the error message.

Warning or Error, see Log File.


Proceed as follows...

n found objects of unknown object type

Continue import. The listed objects are not, however, imported.

Delimiters recognized that do not match

Change the hierarchy delimiters in the Hierarchy-User.txt or Hierarchy-Logical.txt files.

Minimum limit (0) must be >= 1.

Change the minimum character length in the Hierarchy-User.txt or Hierarchy-Logical.txt files.

Minimum or maximum length breached or exceeded

Check the hierarchy delimiter; change the minimum or maximum character length in the Hierarchy-User.txt or Hierarchy-Logical.txt files.


After Data Import


Proceed as follows...

The imported data points are in the Logical View and User View without hierarchy structure.

Check the hierarchy delimiters in the Hierarchy-User.txt or Hierarchy-Logical.txt files.

No Function is entered for the data point. NOTE: This is an optional function.


Check the following:

  • Is the Function entered in the EDE file?
  • Is the import rule configured using the function key?
  • Is the function key spelled correctly in the EDE file and import rules?

Individually imported characters are not displayed correctly.

The EDE file used created using a different character set than the one expected by the management platform (see Encoding).