Settings Tab

The Settings tab allows you to configure the output format and destination for a Report Definition.

Report Output Group Box

The Report Output group box displays the configured entries for a Report Definition.

Clicking the Dialog Launcher displays the Report Output Definition dialog box that allows you to configure the report output settings.
The configured report output definitions are executed when the report definition runs automatically.

Report Output Definition Dialog Box Components



Report format

Lists the following supported file formats.
XML – This format is available only if you have the relevant license.
NOTE 1: According to the EMC requirement, the CSV report format is supported to export a Trends report in the CSV format. The EMC proxies have plug-ins that support converting data from CVS formats for import into EMC. To have Desigo CC trend data compatible with the EMC trend data import plug-in, the CSV columns (for trends table only) are modified: Date; Data Source; Value (separated by semicolon).
NOTE 2: The CSV does not support logos or plots; also Report header/footer is not present.
NOTE 3: The CSV format applies only to exporting the Trends table.

Destination types

Lists all the various destination types: File, Destination Type - Email and Printer.
The Destination types displayed in the list depend on the type of format selected in Report format.
NOTE: When you select the Destination Type as File or Email, you can specify the name of the file that will be generated upon automatic report execution using either of the following options:

  • Use report name as file name
  • Enter custom file name


Depending on the Destination types settings, you can configure the destination in one of the following ways:

  • File: Configured folder name displays in the File drop-down list.
  • Email: Email text field is populated with the pre-configured email contacts.
  • Printer: Available printers display in the Printer drop-down list.

Use report name as file name

Default option. Becomes available only when you select the destination type as File or E-mail. In this case, the File Name field is populated with the selected report name and is unavailable.

Enter custom file name

When selected, allows you to type in the desired file name in the File Name text box.

File name

If the file name contains special characters such as, / \ : * ? < > | “, then it is highlighted with a red border and a tool-tip displays the error message.

Append date/time to file name

Becomes available only when you select the destination type as File or Email. When checked, adds the date and time to the file name.

Create new/overwrite existing file

Default option. Allows you to configure a new file to the configured destination when routing reports. If the file does not exist, a new file is created, existing files are overwritten.

Append data

Adds the currently executing report data to the existing file with the same file name and file type present at the destination. If there is no such file, a new file will be created.
NOTE 1: This option only applies to PDFs.
NOTE 2: In case of an existing split PDF document, if the Append data check box is selected, the number of available pages in the previous split document is ignored and, a new split document is created in the same folder with an incremental number.


Allows you to modify an existing Report Output Definition entry.


Adds a Report Output definition entry to the Output Definition list.
NOTE: This button is unavailable if the Destinations drop-down list is empty.

Output Definition List

Displays the existing Report Output Definition entries.


Deletes the selected Report Output Definition.